The Client

MapleTree Alexandra Retail Centre

Pre-Project: Before Contacting STARLED

We helped them solve their aging fluorescent street lights that has become dimmed over time.

Starled Technology Pre-Project Image for Outdoor Street Light

A story of illumination unfolds against the backdrop of Earth’s changing climate, where every watt counts and sustainability is paramount, a unique opportunity arose to revolutionize the way street lighting operates.

The challenge begins with the dilemma of Aging Fluorescent Street Lights, highlighting the need for a solution to improve brightness and energy efficiency.

When STARLED was called upon to address this challenge, the team embarked on a mission to not just replace, but to reimagine the entire lighting paradigm.

We saw an opportunity to not only brighten the city’s streets but also to usher in a new era of energy efficiency.

During the initial phase, our client expressed their opinion of simply swapping out the entire old street light for a brand new street light, however due to the existing street light housings(exterior) being in its good condition,  we proposed a more sustainable solution: replacing with cutting-edge 2G11 4-pin LED lights into the existing street light housings.

Project Installation

Project Completion

Transformative Results: The retrofitting project (replacement of light source instead of entire product) delivers immediate and profound impacts, including brighter streets and a staggering 71% reduction in energy consumption, showcasing the power of innovation.

The math was simple yet profound – brighter streets, lower bills, and a reduced environmental footprint. It was a testament to the power of innovation and a shining example of what can be achieved when sustainability is prioritised.

The project’s scope extended beyond mere numbers; it epitomized a shared vision for a brighter tomorrow. Through steadfast advocacy for the preservation of existing infrastructure, STARLED underscored its dedication not only to efficiency but also to sustainability. This collaboration transcended the mere installation of lights; it enhanced a commitment to nurturing a future where innovation and conservation coexist harmoniously.

This collaboration wasn’t solely about installing lights; it was about illuminating a future where innovation and conservation walk hand in hand. Why discard when one can innovate? Why waste when one can conserve? These guiding principles informed every decision, ensuring that progress harmonized seamlessly with preservation for the betterment of generations to come.

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